
8 Easy Steps to Get You From College to a Career In STEM

Dear job-hunter, does this sound like you?

o   You just finished college with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in STEM.

o   Since you graduated, everyone’s been bugging you nonstop with, Have you got a job yet?

o   You’re so overwhelmed by the job application process, you’ve no idea where to start.

o   You’re in need of some expert guidance to help you land your first STEM job.


If you nodded at any of these, then you’re in luck! You’re the exact person The Career Lab Formula is for.

In the book, I lay out eight actionable steps that 100s of graduates I’ve coached have used to land their first STEM job — and now it’s time for you to follow in their footsteps.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to kickstart your STEM career - buy the book today!

Inspiring STEM Communities

What People Are Saying About the Book


“Great guide, brief and based on the knowledge and experience of the author. Help recent [STEM] graduates, not just with advice but with helpful tools, to get the job they want.”

— Sindy

“This book is a great resource for anyone graduating college and on the job search. It is well-organized, a quick read, and has really actionable advice. Make your job search more effective and work for you with this 8-part framework..”

— Shikha K

“Written in a breezy prose style, Siddhi Shah's THE CAREER LAB FORMULA is suitable for any recent college graduate in any field… presenting advise in a structured process…”

— Kevin B


Let’s Inspire the next generation of STEM graduates!

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